
The Skills of an Unskilled Salesperson: Why Effective Communication is Everything

In this article, we've decided to take a lighthearted approach to comparing "skilled" and "unskilled" salespeople based on their communication and work habits.

Olena Kuzmneko
The Skills of an Unskilled Salesperson: Why Effective Communication is Everything
Olena Kuzmneko

In this article, we've decided to take a lighthearted approach to comparing "skilled" and "unskilled" salespeople based on their communication and work habits. But first, what are skills? A skill is an acquired habit of subconsciously executing a routine action in response to a repeated external stimulus. For example, speaking a language, playing football, or driving a car.

Since most of our actions are driven by the subconscious, they're based on skills and reflexes. At White Sales, we encourage sales teams to develop work skills according to standards until they become second nature, thereby avoiding actions that negatively impact sales.

Here are some examples:

  1. Skill: Working with CRM
    • Unskilled Salesperson: "Why bother filling in the CRM fields? I keep everything in my head. My manager can ask me how things are going."
    • Skilled Salesperson: Records all deals in the CRM and, thanks to these tools, always knows how to communicate with a client and at what stage each deal is.
  2. Skill: Planning the Next Step
    • Unskilled Salesperson: "Why plan the next step if the client isn't buying right now? Just give them time to decide."
    • Skilled Salesperson: Always plans the next step, regardless of the scenario:
      • If the client is "thinking"—they address objections and plan the next action.
      • If they presented a proposal—they immediately arrange the next step to discuss the offer.
      • If it's inconvenient for the client to talk—they ask when it would be convenient to call back.
      • If the client refuses the next step—they ask why, address the objection, and assess the lead's readiness to proceed.
  3. Skill: Briefing Clients Before Proposals
    • Unskilled Salesperson: "Why brief the client before a proposal? Just tell them everything and let them choose what they like. That's how you make a sale, right?"
    • Skilled Salesperson: Always actively listens and asks the right questions to understand what the client truly wants. For instance, if a client wants to invest in real estate for passive income, the salesperson clarifies expectations, market understanding, previous experience, and investment amount.
  4. Skill: Handling Objections
    • Unskilled Salesperson: "Handling objections? Why bother? The client is always right. If they think it's too expensive, let them go somewhere cheaper. We'll wait for new clients."
    • Skilled Salesperson: Sees objections as an opportunity to "explain" the value of the product or service. For example, if a client refuses an individual consultation and wants to get all the information over the phone because they don't see the value, the salesperson's task is to explain why the consultation is important and suggest the next step.
  5. Skill: Managing Conversation Pauses
    • Unskilled Salesperson: "The initiative should be with the client. Let them ask what they're interested in. My job is to answer."
    • Skilled Salesperson: Always moderates and leads the conversation. They don’t allow pauses to form and encourage the client to engage actively, thus maintaining control of the dialogue.

All skills are essentially habits that develop over time through consistent effort. We recommend that management implement mentorship in the sales process. This unique role within the team monitors progress, conducts training and skill-building sessions, and keeps the team "sharp." If you have any questions, feel free to reach out for a consultation, and we'll help your team enhance their skills.

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